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Measure to improve

The organisation of events has an undeniable emotional component, but it cannot be the only one on which your strategy is based. Data analysis is gradually gaining ground as a way of guaranteeing the success of events.

How is it possible to know if an event has gone well or badly if we don't measure?



Measure, analyse, improve

In technology there is one constant, everything clickable is trackable. Slang aside, the truth is that technology allows us to track all the activities and behaviours of attendees. Practical examples:

  • In the check-in, who has accessed the main event and when, when they have accessed specific sessions, and also when they have left them.
  • In the event app, how many people have downloaded it, which are the most consulted sections, which are the sessions, sponsors, and favourite speakers of your audience.
  • In the Digital Venue, who is online, how many meetings have taken place and so on and so forth.

With all this information in your possession you can, without any doubt, conclude whether your event has been a success or not; where are the margins for improvement and even make changes during the event if you are detecting any problems in the event.

Gather feedback

Communicating with your attendees is essential for your event. We know you know this, but it is also essential to analyse your event and no, you don't need to wait until the event is over to find out what they thought of it. In fact, we encourage you to do it during the event. Through the live chats of Eventscase's various products, you can find out what the "mood" is like at the event, what the attendees are saying, what they are liking, what they are not liking.

Of course, prepare a full post-event survey. Automate its delivery through our platform and launch it at the very moment the event ends so that attendees have the memories and feelings fresh in their brains.

Share the results

Events are cogs that depend organically on many people and departments, and once they are over, it's time to report back to all those people and justify every penny spent. We make it easy for you to do that too. Each Eventscase product allows you to generate reports in csv or xls format so you can share that information with whomever you need to or upload it to your CRM if you need to.

Your event sponsors, current and future, will also be confident in their decision to invest in your event if you can provide them with reliable data on their brand exposure.

Don't think of data and analysis as something complex and for more technical profiles. It is within everyone's reach and will help to enhance the role of the event organiser.